B.S. Agriculture, Rutgers University, 1959
M.S. Agriculture, Rutgers University, 1961
Ph.D. Agriculture, West Virginia University, 1965
Richard L. Schauer, Ph.D.
Jenkinsville, SC 29065
Previous Experience:
Diamond Shamrock Corporation, Cleveland, OH: Technical Service Representative, 1964-1969; Manager, Technical Liasion, 1970-1978.
ICI Americas Inc., Wilmington, DE: Manager, Product Integrity, 1978-1991; Manager, Information Technology, 1991-1992.
Engaged In Consulting Practice Since:
Scope of Activities:
SCHAUER ASSOCIATES specializes in the regulations impacting industrial chemical products in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and the European Community and electronic document management systems to aid in complying with these regulations. Examples of these regulations are the Toxic Substances Control Act (TCSA) and OSHA Hazard Communication Standard in the U.S., Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) in Canada and the MSDS Directive in the European Community. Complying with these regulations involves handling large amounts of information efficiently. Imaging systems are now available that permit electronic storage and easy retrieval and manipulation of documents.
Specific Chemical Regulatory Services Available:
Prepare TSCA submissions (e.g. Premanufacture Notifications, Notices of Commencement, Inventory updates); prepare MSDS’s and product labels; assess current regulatory compliance status, conduct chemical inventory status searches, provide written procedures; establish regulatory record retention schedules.
Specific Electronic Document System Services Available:
Design and install inexpensive document imaging systems for storing large numbers of pages (100,000+) of regulatory information (e.g. Material Safety Data Sheets, TSCA Premanufacture Notifications, FDA petitions and master files and EPA pesticide petitions); implement computerized MSDS and product labeling systems.
Specializing In:
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (FD&CA); Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA); OSHA Hazard Communications Standard; Canadian Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS); electronic document imaging systems; computerized MSDS and product labeling systems.